Tuesday, March 3, 2009

[Science]Isolating the Variable

[Science]Isolating the Variable

In science class we talk about "isolating the variable" and that means you eliminate all the differences between tow experiments , then you know that the difference in results is caused by a certain reason you made.
We did SMASH day (Smith's Marvelously Awesome Science Hoopla! WooHoo! DAY) and we looking at Chocolate Attack activity. We need to make a ship and it will test by float on the water, then see which group can fit in the most corks the group gets to win. The reason why we do this is because there are chocolate attack and we need to invent the boat that can fit in most people to save everyone from HIS. In 30 minutes we need to finish the boat so the time is enough for the people who wants to escape from chocolate attack. My group is Peter, Tung Erh, and me. The things is "how did the activity isolate design as the variable?". We get three piece of papers, scissors, tape, and three straws from Miss. Smiths. The winner is Stephine, Annchi, and Jasmine C'S group, their boat can fit in 30 corks. The most corks. Their design is the boat is very big and it has more space to put the cork, the boat they make can also separate the gravity. They didn't waste paper, so their boat looks very slight. So, the most important point for the boat is the boat must be slight, big enough. To let the boat float on the water and it can fit in many corks.