Thursday, March 5, 2009

[Humanities] “My Learning of the 5 Themes of Geography”

[Humanities] “My Learning of the 5 Themes of Geography”

Definition: What is geography?
Geography is study of Earth and the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth. The word “GEOGRAPHY” is from the Greek word “GEOGRAPHIA”. Geography usually use to explain and communicate the differences and between various land. Today, researchers are still focus on people and culture; and planet earth.

Theme 1: Location
Where are you right now? Describe your location in as many ways as you can.
I am in Hsinchu International School. It is a school in Hsinchu. It is the north west side of Taiwan. The longitude and latitude of HIS is 24°47'44.79"N and120°56'33.90"E.

Theme 2: Place What do we mean by the terms “physical, human and cultural” when we describe a place?
The physical, human and cultural characteristics are a kind of place. Human characteristics will include human-designed cultural features of a place or land; ex: structures. Physical characteristics are will include land, mountains, rivers, beaches, plants, animal, and water forms. Cultural characteristics will be human and geography interaction.

Theme 3: Human-Environment Interactions How do humans adapt to and/or change the environment?
Humans adapt to and change the environment by polluting the environment, change the environment by cutting trees down and build houses. Human also do something positive to the Earth like
How do we depend upon the environment?
We depend upon the environment in a way just like, the weather is cold, we add clothes on. Maybe someone thinks is not cold enough, they won’t add anything on.

Theme 4: Movement
How does movement affect your daily life? Different movements can make people change their emotions, or because people’s emotion people will have different movements. Sometime when you are happy you will smile to everyone that is one of the examples of because people’s emotions change people’s movements. Another example of different movements can make people change their emotions; like, someone hurt you and that makes you feel very angry.
What “items” are being moved that you interact with on a regular basis?
The items are being moved that I interact with regular basis are house, music, emotions, clothes, economy, transportation, water(drinks), weather, health, technology, sports, and food.

Theme 5: Regions
Describe the difference between a formal, functional and perceptual description of a region.
Regions can be formal, functional, and perceptual description. Formal regions are the things that designated by official boundaries, like: cities, states, counties, and countries. Sometimes it will use for economic and cultural also. Usually it is use for man-made. Functional regions are certain interaction that will connect places. Perceptual regions are the different people can have different views and perceptions of what the things might have.